PIKE OFF OTA: No More Turnpikes!
Pike Off OTA asked us to document a protest that they organized outside of a fundraising luncheon for Governor Kevin Stitt at the Association of Oklahoma General Contractors and what we found was an egregious breach of the Oklahoma GOP platform and an active constituency that passionately implored their governor for accountability to that party platform.
Pike Off OTA is a grassroots organization that is in active litigation against the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) to stop the proposed Access Oklahoma Turnpike Project slated to go right through Norman, Oklahoma. Pike Off OTA asked us to document a protest that they organized outside of a fundraising luncheon for Governor Kevin Stitt at the Association of Oklahoma General Contractors and what we found was an egregious breach of the Oklahoma GOP platform and an active constituency that passionately implored their governor for accountability to that party platform.
Pike Off OTA asks Governor Stitt to stand on his party platform.
The Oklahoma GOP platform states on page 20, “We oppose public-private partnerships and the use of eminent domain to build and operate toll roads and bridges.”
Governor Stitt did not make an attempt to speak with any of his constituents, but he did engage in “public-private partnership” in broad daylight. Why is Governor Kevin Stitt receiving money from road and bridge contractors for his re-election campaign? Why didn’t he come out and speak with the people he governs? Why can a private membership association buy job security at the expense of peoples homes and legacies? This is an ongoing project and hopefully these questions will soon be answered.